Saturday, September 11, 2010

Welcome to Read 180

READ 180  is a new reading and writing program used at New Heights Academy Charter School. This program is the participating MS and HS students' official English class and
is fully accredited by the New York State Department of Education.

READ 180 is an innovative and engaging  program that combines computer software, small-group instruction and independent, modeled  reading. It is a complete and rigorous course working on multiple skills including reading comprehension and fluency, writing, vocabulary, spelling and grammar.

The Read 180 Instructional Model @ NHACS

The maximum class size is 12 students (3 groups of 4), ensuring individualized instruction. Students work with a coursebook, called an "R" book, for use in small-group and whole-group instruction. The software and "R" book are connected, consisting of 9 theme-based workshops.There are also computerized tests on the novels from the independent reading station.

At NHACS, we will be following a 60 minute class model with students rotating among the 3 stations. Students will alternate on the small-group, instructional software and independent reading stations, with each group working at 2 stations per class.

Class time: (60 minutes)

 Whole-group instruction (groups A, B, C)                  (10 minutes)

Instructional software     (A day   - groups A, B    -   B day  - groups B, C  ) 
(20 minutes)

Independent reading      (A day  - groups   A, C    -   B day - groups A, B  ) 
(20 minutes)

Small-group instruction  (A day - groups  B, C    -     B day - groups A, C  ) 
(20 minutes)

Whole-group wrap-up     (groups A, B, C)                 (5 minutes)

Whole Group Instruction
Small Group Rotations
Whole Group Wrap-Up
The teacher begins the day by providing direct instruction to the whole class.
Small GroupDirect Instruction
Read 180Software
The day ends with 10 more minutes of whole-group instruction.
The students get diagnostically informed instruction in a small group where individual needs can be met.
Students use the Read 180 software independently providing them with intensive, individualized skills practice.
Students read the Read 180 paperbacks and audio-books